Mutah University :: Towards a Better Learning Environment

 An overview of the center


The establishment of the Language Center was approved by the Higher Education Council by Resolution No. (261) on 20/1/1998 AD, and based on the instructions of the scientific centers at Mutah University No. 37 of 2003, the board of Deans approved on the center’s instructions on the date of 3/4/2008.

The center includes nine members of staff who teach the compulsory university requirements in Arabic and English language, and it has a board called the center board consisting of six members appointed by the head of the university for a period of two years after taking the opinion of the dean’s board.

Goals of the center:

- Teaching Arabic (101,99) and English (102,101,99).

 - The English language proficiency examination is held at the center, which is approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for post-graduate students.

- Contribute towards raising the level of university students in Arabic, English, and modern European languages by providing subjects and holding various courses.

- Holding courses in the Arabic language for non-native speakers students.

- Preparing computerized proficiency exams for Arabic and English language.

- Raising the level of academic performance of non-Arabic speaking students by providing specialized courses in Arabic.
