Mutah University :: Towards a Better Learning Environment

An evaluation study demonstrates the competence of Mu'tah University graduates from the employers' point of view


Director of the Center for Academic Development and Quality Assurance Dr. Bassem Hawamdeh

In order to enable the University to develop its academic programs in line with the requirements of the labor market, the University's Center for Academic Development and Quality Assurance conducted an evaluation study to assess the level and competence of graduates. Mu'tah University from the perspective of operators in the labor market

For his part, the President of the University, Dr. Dhafer Al-Sarayra, said that the measurement of the efficiency level of Mu'tah University graduates from the point of view of employers in the Jordanian labor market was done through a special questionnaire that includes four areas of specialized scientific knowledge, communication and communication, and personal and professional dimension.

The questionnaire included the degree of overall satisfaction with the graduates of Mu'tah University from the perspective of operators. (Hawamdeh)

He pointed out that the results of the study showed that the overall level of the graduates' efficiency from the point of view of the operators was rated (very good), but with regard to the areas of the evaluation study, the results showed that the field of personality came first and with an average of (4.39) and a high degree of satisfaction, followed by Communication and communication in the second rank with an average of (4.25) and a high degree of satisfaction, and the field of professional dimension came in the third place and an average of (4.17) and a high degree of satisfaction, and the field of specialized scientific knowledge came in the fourth order and an average of (4.10) and a high degree of satisfaction.

These results demonstrate the excellence of Mu'tah University graduates from the point of view of operators in the local market. Such studies point to the success of the cognitive methodology that we are working on, recognizing the requirements of the university's interest as a leading national scientific institution inspired by its aspirations and vision from the royal directives calling for quality of the university's outputs to serve the whole national institutions (as Sarayra).​
