Mutah University :: Towards a Better Learning Environment

 Department of Publishing and E - Learning


Sustainable Website


Mutah University website has identified the main key areas where sustainability can be achieved. Our website content is easy to find instantaneously and very quickly since there are fewer pages a user has to load to locate the required information with significant reduction in the bounce rate of the website. This leads to fewer server requests and less processing power which leads to energy saving over the time.  Additionally, our website supports both mobile and desktop in order to make it easy for interested people to access our site, no matter what kind of hardware they do have.
Currently, the servers that store the files are using the main power system. After a short period, a solar power system with a capacity of 5 MW will be applied for the whole campus; hence everything will be run on 100% renewable energy.
Mutah University Sustainability Plan is considered the roadmap for building and operating more sustainable projects that strengthen our core research and teaching mission. For instance, supporting all the staff and students activities and programs will make a significant improvement of the quality of the research and teaching. Additionally, Mutah University website supports other programs that have a significant environmental impact such as Water Conservation Programs, Recycling Activities, and Energy Conservation Programs.



Department of Publishing and E - Learning


Job title


Email address

Julia Pankratova



Amin Al-maasfeh

Head of E-Learning Division


Ali K. AL-Adaileh

Head of Publishing Division


Emad Khalid Qalaja

Programmer / Designer

